Hello there lovelies! Hope you are having a nice day. :) Yesterday music wise (because Friday's are now New Music Days) was great so there fore I'm just happy because well I have so much new music between the past two weeks which makes me happy and makes me write better. In my opinion any way! ;) So today I have 2 polishes for ya!! One is a creme and the other is a Topper.
First up here is 1 coat of Iconoclastic by Takko Lacquer. This creme is amazing! The formula was fabulous and super easy to use, and over all it just went on smoothly.
I am loving these Takko Creme! Seriously it's two of my favorite things, a creme polish and by Takko which happens to be a favorite of mine. :) So up next is a Topper!
With the release of the cremes 3 toppers are going to be coming out as well and this is one of them. This beauty is a super powerful holo Topper called Dances with Unicorns.
This is one coat of it on top of the one coat of Iconoclastic seriously beautiful! The formula was really nice and it applied evenly and I am just loving this topper. It's so intense too which I am loving. Plus who can resist holo?
I sure can't so that's why I may have too many pictures.
The part I really like about this topper is that it can pretty much make any color you want holo. I just think that is super nice. :)
Finally I think that is the last photo! Haha, well I hope you are in love with both of these like I am. :) For any of you who are in New York y'all are going to get a chance to get these before anyone else because, Sheryl will be set up at the Renegade Craft Fair in Brooklyn May 20th - 22nd. Now if you are not in that area you will be able to get them online! :) All USA shoppers can pick these up on May 27th at 8:30 PM EST. :) This time the release is going to be a bit different so hopefully everyone can get what they want! Here is what Sheryl has said about the release! :)
We are going to do a 1 hr Pre-order instead for May 27th at 8:30 PM ET (NYC time)
That means you will have an hour to order what you want from the collection 💕 We will then launch the collection for those who weren't able to order during the preorder. We will also have a restock with our stockist after.
Now to keep up with all things Takko Lacquer check them out here....
Happy Painting!
~25 Sweetpeas
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