Sweetpeas Picks Vol. 11

Sweetpeas Picks

Well hello there! Hope you are having a nice weekend. Today I have spend the day either behind the camera, a computer or in front of a sketchbook! Its been nice and I have gotten a lot done and am feeling more inspired and excited about some upcoming things! Between life, blogging, and this new thing I am avidly working on I think things are about to get super busy, but one thing I really don't want to slack on is this post. I feel like its out fun catch up time where we really get to just chat about anything ya know!

1. Did you check out the All Heart Sale this weekend? Its still on going so you have time to check it out if you haven't yet! All of the polishes are marked down so its a great time to try the polishes if you have been wanting too, plus proceeds are still going to great places!

2. Even tho I am totally not ready for summer to end I actually spent time this weekend on some fall related things and am super excited to show you! :)

3. Even though I have been not thrilled with Instagram from the POV of a person posting things and a user. I have been paying more attention to certain accounts that seemed to have disappeared in my feed and its been so nice to see their posts again. Granted I have to seek them out, which I shouldn't have too. It just kinda goes to show this whole algorithm thing is nuts. Every time the algorithm comes up I just go back to the same thing.... If we chose to follow that means we want to see that accounts posts, if we decide we don't want to anymore, we will unfollow. You don't need to decide what we see Instagram. Just sayin!

4. That being said I've really been loving @Nailsbysammie_ swatches! They are all so consistently gorgeous!

5.  So even though I know things are about to get busy again I decided I need to have something that would kind of make sure I stay on track with my newer creative endeavors. Its easy for me to brush off and slack on my hobbies that aren't nails so when I saw the #ipromise30days challenge on Instagram I decided it would be a great way to keep me accountable in keeping up with the artsy things beyond nails! :) Its a challenge started by @Crystalleigh and her friend @Bryanaholly which they both have information on the challenge on their IG if you want to join. Basically its for IG, Instastories, or twitter and you post what you promise to do for 30 consecutive days. Its open to what ever you make it to be which allows for you to focus on what ever you like. Which is really nice. I have done mine as 30 Days of creativity and I will be tracking it in my Bullet Journal and posting it I'm my Instastories to kind of make me accountable. Feel free to join too! It just starts when you want to, no specific days, just a consecutive 30 days.

6. I'm loving these nails by Manis & Makeover!

7. Also totally loved this blog post by Tanner over at The Life of a Woman. Its full of great information, and very helpful when it comes to people understanding what goes on behind the scenes.

8. So I was looking up an older song because I wasn't sure if I had it, turns out I did but then Spotify suggested another song after it and it was new and SO good! I had to go buy it ASAP. Its called Amarillo and its by the band Anarbor. Its really good!

Ok, guys I am going to cut this post short today has been one of those just off days and a headache is setting in. Also my heart go out to everyone affected by the shootings this weekend, its sad when you see a headline about one and you have to ask yourself which one. Too many have just hit way to close  to home for comfort.

~ 25 Sweetpeas AKA Sarah


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