My Stunning Nails March 2020 Polish Pickup

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My Stunning Nails Greek Goddess Athena

Welcome back! Today I have a new My Stunning Nails Polish to show you! Its for the March Polish Pickup! If you don't already know, the Polish Pickup will be taking place on the Polish Pickup | Indie Pickup store on March 6th-9th and then orders are usually shipped about 2-3 weeks after you order. So lets check it out!

My Stunning Nails Greek Goddess Athena

Greek Goddess Athena
3 coats

Super Chameleon pigment that shifts from rose to gold to green with a super chameleon flakie that shifts from rose to gold to green.

My Stunning Nails Greek Goddess Athena

This applies a bit thin so I found I needed about 3 coats to build it up to full coverage, but it dries pretty fast so It didn't take much time. The color and shift are great! This polish will be available for $12 and the US cap is 75 and the UK cap is 15.


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