Makeup Revolution | Unicorns Unite

Hello there everyone! So today I have a makeup review for you! Last year I came across the brand Makeup Revolution, and really have started to love their products. I have been using their Affirmation, and the Iconic 2 palate since last year and I love them! I recently got the Unicorns Unite Palate for Christmas and thought I would share a review of it on here! :)

First off lets talk about this packaging! I mean it just so fun and happy looking. I know realistically packing isn't important, but I love good packaging! :)

Next up is a photo of the actual shadows that you get in this Unicorns Unite package! 😊 It comes with a fun arrangement of colors. I am one who tends to stick with the same colors, which I know isn't idea but... After getting this I really got to branch out with my color selection and try some new things. I really actually have had a lot of fun playing with these.

The first two rows (the rectangles) are all shimmers, then the last row (circles) are mattes. Right now I love the mattes honestly. The first two shades are great base colors and then the two after that are great crease/transition colors. The black is nice too. Its much darker than the rest I would say, so you do need to be careful. I tend to use my finger for it and the shimmers. Really the only colors I use a brush with would be the crease/transition colors. I did try the applicator that came with to pat color on in the corners, but I liked my finger better! 😂 As for the pink, I am still figuring out how to use that one.

The shimmers I like, especially the lighter ones! I also like the greens, and the chrome looking like one, however.... I don't think they exactly put the color on you would expect. Like the other day I was wearing green so I decided to give the green ones ago. Yet the pulled a much more blue green than I had expected, and the chrome gave a blue vibe. So the color pay off just isn't necessarily what you would expect which means you have to be careful. Overall tho they are nice shadows you just have to test them to check the color payoff to see if its what you are looking for!

Her is an up close picture! I use the bottom row of colors daily, and love them so much. They remind me of shadows from their Affirmation Palate and I love that palate. I have actually hit pan on a few shades in that one! Haha!!! Well guys that is it for today! I hope you have enjoyed this post! If you are looking for Makeup Revolution, you can find it in most Ultas here in America. Makeup Revolution is a UK based brand and so its a bit tricky to find here. All we have is Ulta and the internet. 😊 Would love to see Ulta carrying more this year though! I really like all of the shadows I have by them!

~25 Sweetpeas


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