Hello there everyone! So today's post is going to be a different! Lately I have been seeing so many posting about their favorite shows to binge on Netflix, and I have loved reading them! That being said I just finished a show, that I thoroughly enjoyed so I thought it would be fun to write my own post on the subject. I have tried to "order" them but there is no way. Plus there are more than 5 for sure too! However I have kept it to 5 for this post! :)
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1. Baby Daddy
First up the latest show I have watched and finished this past weekend! I started this show kind of unsure of what to expect. I recognized many of the actors from other things, and had heard good things but had no clue how much I would like it! I seriously enjoyed it, the cast is pretty good. Plus I always find it rare to actually like both of the love interests for the main girl, but seriously I like(d) them both! Crazy right? Obviously there is one I like a bit more buttttttt. 😉 Its a pretty quick show since each episode is about 21 minutes, and you just want to keep going. Its all like and good. Nothing to serious, which is nice because we all need something we can watch and just laugh with! I'm super sad I finished it thought, well its bittersweet. I know it comes on back next week but umm, what am I going to watch every night! Hehe! I kind of want to rewatch it already. 🙈 I want more people in the house to watch it so they will get the random references, that now pop into my head like Friends references. There are 5 seasons, and oh my that last episode!!! Eppp, can't wait for it to come on next week! It should be interesting, and that is all I will say! :) This has now easily become one of my fave shows!
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2. Hart Of Dixie
Awwwww, I miss this show so so much! I watched the first season of Hart of Dixie on Netflix, then the rest live on TV. However since then I have probably watched it start to finish on Netflix about 2 times! This is my all time favorite show hands down. Literally every episode is good. Plus I mean its just a great show. The characters are great, the fashion, the fact its in the south, and Blue Bell! Who doesn't love Blue Bell! Its like a southern version of Gilmore Girls, I mean you can even be like oh this person would be so and so. 😁 Plus actually some of the set is the same which makes it fun if you watched Gilmore Girls! I love all of the Southern references in it too, I didn't pick up on them in the first round of watching, but now I actually live in the South and can get a few of them! Hehe! Also the scenery is pretty and looks like home so I love that! Ahh, can Netflix PLEASE revive this show!
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3. Friends
So what this show was on before I was born and ended when I was 7 or 8! 😂 I love it! I'd watched random episodes on the TV and then I rented it one summer when you would get free rentable movies with good grades in Middle School I think, and was hooked. Then eventually I watched it on Netflix, and it nothing else sounds good or I know I can only stay awake for about 30 minutes I will go to it! It never fails to bring a smile. Plus oh my all of the references! Everyone in the house has watched this so everyone will get it when you randomly start singing... Lather rinse repeat, later rinse repeat, later rinse repeat.... as needed! 😀 Ya know? Or when you say "How you doin'" or "Its a moo point, like a cows opinion it doesn't matter!" Ahhh!
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4. Fuller House
A Netflix Original! I grew up watching Full House so when I saw Fuller House was going to be a thing I was pretty excited! It did not disappoint at all! I have enjoyed every season, and I am so happy it keeps getting renewed! Its so good, and fun that all of the originals are back. This type of revival makes me really want them to bring back Hart of Dixie! Hehe! 😏
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5. Gilmore Girls A Year in the Life
I was a fan of the original Gilmore Girls and had watched it all with my mum, and we were very excited for this. We may of watched it all in 2 sittings. Reason being it was like 3 am and we were at that long play part and sleep was overtaking our bodies! Ha! Anywhooo I really liked the revival. I feel like it was just getting good at the end. The characters were finally back to themselves, then it ended. So ya know, I definitely don't object to more episodes. I mean I know it came "full circle" but I want to know about that ending. I'm not going to give away any spoilers just in case someone hasn't watched it but I promise you it will end with you wanting more.
Well guys, that is it! I had so much fun thinking about all of these shows! It really makes me miss a few, and for others it makes me eager for the next seasons! Ahh... However now I am in a bit of a conundrum. What do I watch? I have finished Baby Daddy and I don't think anything can top that right now! For instance I just heard Ed Sheeran's Perfect and I somehow now believe that song should be in the show! 🙈 Is the Santa Clarita Diet show any good? I usually like Drew Barrymore! Anywhoo, let me know if you have watched any of these shows, and what your favorites are!
Happy Tuesday!
~25 Sweetpeas
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