Happy Reads | The Broken Hearts and Revenge Trilogy

Katie Finn Books

Hey there, happy Friday! I know some people are back to school now so I'm sure you are all wanting the weekends even more now, and maybe even a little escape from the "real world" so today I am back with another Happy Reads post which is actually probably my hands down favorite series ever! First off tho if you aren't familiar with my Happy Reads series check out the first installment here so you know the reasoning for the series of posts! :)

Katie Finn Books

This series is called The Broken Hearts and Revenge Trilogy written by Katie Finn. Katie Finn is actually Morgan Matson's Pen name which is kind of cool. I actually picked up these books with out realizing it was Morgan Matson which turned out to be kinda funny because the last so many books I had read before this were Morgan Matson books! Ha, so I guess I have a things for her style! I believe I featured one or two of these in a monthly favorites last year but they really neat their own post! Now the first thing one needs to know when starting this series is that you don't just buy the first book. You buy them all at once! Trust me! I didn't do that because I wasn't sure I would like it but oh my! I finished the first one and needed the second one ASAP. Thankfully when I read that I knew about halfway through and got the 2nd one before it was over. Then the second one ended, and I didn't have the 3rd one and on top of that the stores were closed closed due to a hurricane. So I quickly went online and ordered it so I could finish the series. They were so fast paced and each time ended abruptly where you needed the next book! So enough about that lets get the book info!

Personally for me these were the perfect read, its literally like something I would write honestly. The beach was involved, mistaken identity, there was a good little love story, unexpected events, some fun drama, and a big storm! Yeah, so up my alley.

Katie Finn Books

Broken Hearts, fences, and Other Things to Mend

Gemma had her summer all planned out, but it takes sharp turn when she gets dumped and finds herself back in the Hamptons after a five-year absence. Being there puts her at risk of bumping into Hallie, her former best friend (that is, before Gemma ruined her life). But people don't hold grudges forever. Do they?
Gemma intends to make amends, but a small case of mistaken identity causes the people she knew years ago—including Hallie and her dreamy brother Josh—to believe she's someone else. As though the summer wasn't complicated enough already.
Can Gemma keep up the charade? Or will she be found out by the very people she's been hiding from? (Expert from Barnes & Noble)

Revenge, Ice Cream, and Other Things Best Served Cold

After the humiliating events on the 4th of July, Gemma's trying to grapple with the fact that Hallie knew her true identity all summer, and that she was the one who stole Teddy from her.
Gemma vows revenge, but things immediately get more complicated than she planned. Her dad forces her to get a job, and the only one she can find involves scooping ice cream all day. Ford, Gemma's longtime crush, has arrived in the Hamptons, and is cuter than ever. Josh is refusing to speak to her after finding out she lied to him. And to top it all off, Teddy is back in the picture, and closer to home than Gemma would like.
Gemma and Hallie find themselves locked in an escalating revenge cycle involving everything from strawberry syrup to stolen identities. But just when Gemma thinks she has the upper hand, the biggest bombshell of all is dropped. And it's one that threatens to change her life forever. (Excerpt from Barnes & Noble

Hearts, Fingers, and Other Things to Cross

Gemma and Hallie's world has come to a screeching halt. Their parents are engaged, which makes them step-sisters. Nothing in the world could possibly be worse for Gemma and Hallie--they won't let it happen. Even if it means putting their own feud aside to separate their parents.
Events quickly escalate as a hurricane rips through the Hamptons leaving everyone (including Gemma's two exes, her current crush, best friend, and her nemesis) bottled up in one house. One big, miserable group of exes and enemies together allow secrets to unfold and plans to be plotted. The calm before this storm definitely doesn't exist. (Excerpt from Barnes & Noble

Katie Finn Books

This is one of those series that I will reread, its just so good. Honestly I was sad when it ended, I totally want to read more about Gemma and _____. ;) The fun thing about Katie Finn/Morgan Matson books is that she usually connects un related series very carefully. Like you may notice a city that comes up in multiple books, and you may even get a character from another book popping up almost like a cameo. Its just really neat. Also with this series in particular there is a little bonus mini story on Wattpad which you can read here. Let me know what you think of this series if you have read it! :) Also if you have any recommendations based of these leave them in the comments!

Talk to you soon!

~25 Sweetpeas


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