Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Do You Believe in Unicorns? Collection

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Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Hey everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful New Years day! Today I have a new collection to show you that just came out yesterday from Pretty Beautiful Unlimited. The new collection is called Do You Believe in Unicorns? and consists of 9 new beautiful polishes. So lets take a look at all of them.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

2 coats

A lightly tinted lavender base with lots of unicorn pigments, silver holographic pigments, and micro flakies along with a mix of 6 UCC flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Just going to say this here and now, all of the polishes in todays post are super consistent, which is amazing! Yet at some point you might think I sound like a broken record lol, in a good way of course! So this polish is such a neat one. It had a grey feel to it but also a really nice lavender touch to it as well.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

2 coats

A berry pink jelly base loaded with unicorn pigment, silver holographic microflakies, and a mix of 3 crystal chameleon flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Such a lovely juicy berry pink that I am loving, blue with all of the shimmer, flakies and so on its really eye-catching when the light hits it.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

2 coats

A dark grey crelly base with a silver and blue holographic micro flakie, blue metallic micro flakes, and a mix of 5 different UCC and crystal chameleon flakes. Plus some silver and iridescent micro glitters.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

So even though this is a grey based polish the blue in it is very strong and it makes the Polish like a steel blue shade and its lovely. As all of the others it has an excellent formula too, perfect application in two quick coats!

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Moonbeam Magic
2 coats

A black jelly base loaded with unicorn pigment, silver holographic flakies, and a mix of 3 crystal chameleon flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

This one is probably the most "shifty" polish of the 9 you are seeing today. It goes purple/magenta to an orangey to a green tone. Really pretty in all lights and as you move your nails around.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

2 coats

A white crelly base with unicorn pigment, silver holographic micro flakies, and a mix of 6 different flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

White/off white crellies area always fun and this one has a lot of color going on in it too! I feel like the purple flakies pop the most! This builds up perfectly in 2 coats!

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

2 coats

A denim blue base with spectra flair and holographic micro flakies, subtle green to turquoise to blue multi chrome pigment, and a mix of 3 multichrome micro glitters.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

This polish is just so pretty, and has a fair amount of depth/color change to it. Its a deep blue base but then has an intense teal shimmer I would say and then a fun variety of microglitters that just go so well.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Swift Wind
2 coats

A teal jelly base with silver holographic pigment and micro flakies, aurora pigment, iridescent Chameleon micro glitters, and 5 different crystal chameleon flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

This is most likely my fave of the collection. It makes me immediately think ocean, summer, warmth.... Ahh sounds so nice right?! Flawless formula and the flakies almost look like a mermaid scales and its just perfection!

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

The Last Unicorn 
2 coats

A royal purple jelly base with unicorn pigment, silver holographic pigment, and micro flakies, along with 2 types of crystal chameleon flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Ok, if you love a good royal purple that some might argue that its blurple, then this is perfect fo you. Not only is it just super pretty but it has just the right balance of flakies or various sizes, and shimmers. Really all around just great!

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Unicorn Horn
2 coats

A black base with a gold to green multichrome shift, spectra flair, holographic micro flakies, gold holographic micro shreds, and glitter, plus a mix of 7 UCC flakies and crystal chameleon flakies.

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

I totally didn't think of this as a mossy green in the bottle but on the nail that is totally what I am seeing and I'm loving that! Plus all of the pops of other colors in there just make it so fun!

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited

Wow, so many new beauties! Overall this is just a fabulous collection, and overall has a perfect consistent formula. It is available now so you can shop it below!

Hope you enjoyed all of the swatches! If you want to see these polishes in action check out todays swatch video.

~25 Sweetpeas

Pretty Beautiful Unlimited Do You Believe In Unicorns? Collection


  1. This is a beautiful collection. That teal is calling my name.

  2. Prism might not be the most original but I love white crellies with rainbow flakes. Always will!

  3. Prism and The Last Unicorn are my favourite!


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