Sweetpeas Picks Vol. 15

Sweetpeas Picks

Hello there! Hope you are having a great day, its so pretty here today and guess what?! Its officially fall, granted in the 90s here.  Any way, it is time for another Sweetpeas Picks which I always look forward to writing!

1. Who watched the Iheartradio Honda Stage Youtube live on Saturday!? I didn't watch it in its entirety, but I did watch The Vamps and they were great as I expected and was so happy to finally see them on something in the USA. Also of course I watched it for 5 Seconds of Summer and wow they were amazing! The instruments were so good and really thats a real band up there. Also ummm can we just talk about that drumming, that was insane! Like I don't know how Ashton has enough energy for a full set. Its probably a good thing they don't always play shows in direct sunlight because that would make it even more difficult I would think. Also umm I kinda finally figured out how to use gifs on here so even though I was tempted so here I will pass but next time! ;)

2. So I am super excited about something I am getting ready to start that y'all will be learning about very shortly! Actually how about at the end of this post?! Yes? OK!

3. I found a few new songs this week and I'm super excited about it. One really good find was Jagwar Twin song Called Loser! Really liking it y'all can check it out here.

4. Ok so Marissa over on Polish Those Nails is really doing fab with the 31 Day challenge and I loved her Hard Times mani this week! LOVE music inspire nails!

5. I often watch Youtube videos while swatching but then just listen to music when I do art! I've actually rewatched some videos because they were just funny or put me in a good mood and now I feel like there are inside jokes that only those who have seen those videos will get and that is just amusing to me. Like cool and funny but hard to explain when someone who hasn't seen the said video  catches you laughing or smiling at a random moment. *Yeah this has been happening a lot lately* Hehe, lately.

6.  Are you familiar with How Sweet Eats? I love her blog, its mainly food and it all looks amazing but she throws in other things as well which is what I love about it. She just started a blogging series and I LOVED reading THIS blogging post. It makes me want to share my start and what I did and so on. I think blogging is an AMAZING thing and so many get discouraged so I feel like in a way this could help others not get discouraged.
*** Side note : When I started blogging I was really young and had to do a lot of research on how to do it, and best ways and so on. When doing that I didn't find much info at all out there on nail blogging specifically and I know I wish there had been SO. That being said I am considering doing my own lil guide so I can hopefully help others who were in the r&d stage I was back in 2014 the year before 25 Sweetpeas the blog came to be! If you have any questions let me know in the comments or message me if you feel more comfortable doing that! :) I will then try to compile some information for a blogging series!

7. Also anyone remember the nails from the pic at the start?! I just found this pic in my camera roll and didn't hate it and loved the mani so I though I would share it! If you missed out on the mani when it came out you can check it out here.

Ok going to cut it short here and tell you what I was referring to in the 2nd topic! So starting next weekend I will have a new blog series starting! It will be called Sweetpeas Music Files and it will be all about the music I am enjoying and will include playlists and art inspired by music. I will explain more in the first post but I am SUPER excited about it!

If you would like to join from the point of view of a blogger you can! I will actually link to other blogs who join in! So here is how to join! * I love the idea of others joining to find out new music to try!

  • Write a blog post once a month with your music faves. 
  • Ideas of things to feature in the posts : Playlists, why you like said songs, favorite lyrics, new finds, music connections, stories, music experiences, music chit chat.
  • Let me know and I will link to your blog!

One thing that has really  led me to doing this is music nail art. I did Pray for the Wicked nails, and Youngblood nail art and had SOOO much fun! Plus I love seeing others music nail art and learning about new music so I thought this would be a good way to share more of that and do more music art too, which leads me to the next part of this!


I have created the tag #Nails4Music for everyone to use on social media! So if you post music related nail art you can use this tag and have a chance to be featured in one of my Music File Posts which will happen once a month along with as in my Instastory! :) I am super excited and hope to see lotsa fun music related nail art because its my favorite!  If you have any questions or anything let me know in the comments below or on social media and I'll make sure to address it in the premier post! :)

~25 Sweetpeas AKA Sarah 


  1. Interested to see how the music/nail art thing will go!

  2. I’m loving watching polish those nails with the 31 day challenge!

  3. Thank you so much for the mention! Those Hard Times nails were so fun to paint! I'm excited to see how your music and nails feature turns out. I probably won't be able to participate this month, but maybe next month!


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