3 Nautical Nail Art Looks for Summer

3 Nautical Nail Art Looks for Summer

Hello there and welcome back! Hope you are all having a fabulous day. Today I have a fun post filled with art to share with you! This post has actually been a long time coming. I've been creatively stuck on Instagram. I started my nail obsession there and over the past year Instagram has become my least favorite part of it all which was/is so sad. So after a handful of brainstorming sessions and thinking I've found a way to enjoy it again and this is the first initial attempt! Basically its just me posting what ever I want because I enjoy it, and me just having fun with it!

So today starts my color scheming, which I am so excited about! A little bit ago I got a new iPad for art purposes and have been having fun with COLOR, and creating palettes, and just being inspired by color, so I thought it would be fun to incorporate that into blogging. To do that I have created a handful of manis all using the same main colors, but in different ways! So let's look at each color we will be playing with today! All of the colors are by Zoya and were recently featured in this post!

Bold Blue - Walker

Light Blue - Eleni

Pink - Dacey

Anchor Nail Art

The first look is an anchor design that I did and ended up loving and wearing for 3 days which has to be some sort of record as of late.

Anchor Nail Art

First I started with 2 coats of Zoya Dacey which is now one of my fave pinks! Its just such a good pink! Then on top of that I did all of the anchors in white acrylic paint. After I let that dry I used a light blue and a cobalt blue to go over some of the white anchors. Just to bring all of the colors together. After that I mattified it all and it was good to go.

Anchor Nail Art

Jelly Fish Nail Art

Next up I have a fun jelly fish mani that I did using all 3 of the polishes I mentioned earlier. For this mani I actually have a new YouTube tutorial live. Its a really quick and easy mani, and you can see exactly how I did it HERE.

Jelly Fish Nail Art

With this mani you can actually change up the colors so easily because there are so many colors of jellyfish! So, there are so many options.

Jelly Fish Nail Art

Vineyard Vines Inspired Nail Art

Next up and lastly we have a fun lil Vineyard Vines inspired mani! The one is based with Walker which is an absolute Zoya MUST have polish now! I then did all of the art with acrylic paint and I'll have to say this is quite the tricky mani. Oddly enough the waves were really hard, you would think oh uneven lines, must be a breeze, yeah no. LOL!

Vineyard Vines Inspired Nail Art

The whale was the best part of this mani for sure! Even the face was easier than the waves. However I still really enjoyed this mani on. I know wish I'd planned this better and had, had it out for the Vineyard Vines X Target release, but.... :)

Vineyard Vines Inspired Nail Art

Well everyone, that is a wrap for this post! I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and all of the manis. Let me know which one was your fave down in the comments below!

Talk to You Soon!

~25 Sweetpeas


  1. I'd love to wear the whale. He looks so sweet and happy even if there's a little grimace on his face.

  2. I definitely need Zoya Dacey. What a great pink! Cute man is. My fave is the last one with waves and the 🐳

  3. The jelly fish is my favorite!

  4. I love the jellyfish but all three are so cute!

  5. I love the second and third one! Wow I wish I could be skilled like that, these look so cute!

  6. Your nail art skills are so impressive! The colors from Zoya are awesome for this theme.

  7. So fun to see three different manis using the exact same polishes along the same theme. You are so creative!

  8. OMG the jellyfish and the whale are too cute!

  9. These are such cute designs! This colour combination is fantastic!

  10. Aww the whale is so cute! We're a Navy family so I can easily see myself wearing all of these!


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